Cease and Desist Letters: What You Need to Know

Whether you’ve been the recipient of a Cease and Desist letter or you’re weighing the potential of sending one, it’s important to understand exactly how they work. Stay tuned to learn what Cease and Desist letters are, how much weight they hold, and how they play into the overall legal process of protecting your brand and trademarks. 

In this episode, we’ll cover: 

  • What a Cease and Desist letter is and where it fits into the legal process 

  • How you should respond if you receive a Cease and Desist letter

  • Determining your rights to send a Cease and Desist letter 

  • The potential consequences of not replying to a Cease and Desist letter

If you’re struggling to reply to a Cease and Desist letter or if you need help drafting one due to a potential conflict, contact my team at Andrea@andreasager.com

I’d love to hear what you learned! Take a screenshot of this episode, add it to your Instagram Stories, tag @andreasagerlaw and let me know! 

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This week’s episode sponsored by TheContractVault.com 

With over 80 contracts and counting, The Contract Vault is your all-access pass to industry-specific template contracts. Our contract templates are constantly being updated to reflect new changes in the law to ensure that you and your business are fully protected. 

Plus, members of The Contract Vault have access to our Members-Only Facebook Group, where each month I will be teaching deep dives on important topics that you need to know to protect your business. Think of it as your Business Legal School. 

Check out The Contract Vault here! Use promo code “LEGALPRENEUR” for a secret special discount!  








The Legalpreneur Podcast is advertising/marketing material. It is not legal advice. Please consult with your attorney on these topics. Copyright Andrea Sager Law 2020